Caring for Your Body in Transition: A Simple Take Anywhere Workout


I just arrived. We’ve been on the move for weeks. My whole body hurts…That jetlag I’m-on-a-different-planet kind of hurt. And despite just barely being able to find my toothbrush and a cup of coffee, I know my body would be served best if I move. I’m aware of my total body depletion. A small thank you and nod to my body for the load it’s been carrying.


Sleep and a bit of organization and orientation and a gentle exercise routine. As I wake this morning I gauge my energy to be at about 50%. I’m reminded of the “simplest workout ever” that my amateur UFC fighting, trainer brother re-introduced me to recently. I needed to do it alongside of him to see once again how easy it is. I think to myself, “I can do at least that. I need to do that. Even if I only do it at 50%!” 


Here’s all you need:

One resistance band

A timer set for 2 minutes  

30 minutes


(I add music for motivation and a towel or mat for my knees during pushups) 


The routine:

2 minutes of your choice of resistance band arms

10-15 pushups

2 minutes of cardio (running in place, invisible jump rope, high knees, etc.)

10-15 pushups


REPEAT 6 times = 30 minutes


I’m convinced that the best thing we can do for our bodies, our minds and for others, is to just show up for a workout. Today I listen to my body that speaks loudly, “keep it light, but keep moving”. 30 minutes looks like continual movement and a total of 50-75 pushups. I congratulate myself for showing up. And despite my whole body tiredness, I ultimately feel better more empowered for it.


What is your favorite simple routine?